#PashminaGoatProject Featured Scarves
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Changing Lives. One Scarf at a Time
The Most Credible Voice for the Community
Our Journey of Becoming the Most Credible Voice for the Pashmina Eco-System & Community in the World Started in 2012.
Everyone has their goals in life, but what if the planet came together to work towards the common ones ? This is the thinking behind the 17 Global Goals created by the United Nations to achieve a more sustainable world by 2030. And with the power to end poverty, battle inequality and paralyze global warming, the goals will build a more responsible, just and peaceful future for everyone. Whether you pick the issue that’s closest to your heart or get involved in all 17, join us in spreading the word. Wear our Pure Sustainable Luxury Pashmina Scarves for a Reason and let the Reason be Love.
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#PashminaGoatProject, through it’s micro initiatives and ground breaking projects is on a mission to democratise authentic Pashmina Industry by translating transparency
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into real sustainability, better prices, and better quality for the global consumers at every possible turn by policy, social and technology intervention.
The Journey Towards Preservation & Empowerment of Communities
As the Most Credible Name in the Sustainable, Conscious, Organic and Slow Pashmina Eco-System, Pashmina Goat Project has helped 100s of Designers, Wholesalers, Retailers, Luxury Stores across the world, source the necessary Pashmina Materials at Wholesale and Bulk Prices. We have also helped, guided and educated them with the Pashmina Purity Standards to follow that would help them create Pure Pashmina Shawls, Cashmere Wraps, Pashmina Hijabs, Swarovski Crystals Embellished Shawls, Ombre Pashmina, Embroidered Pashmina, Cashmere Scarves, Solid Pashmina, Reversible Pashmina, Lace Pashmina, Ply Pashmina, Wraps Ply Shawls, Pure Cashmere, Pashmina Wraps, Bhasoli Pashmina Shawls, Kashmir Pashmina Shawls, Ladakh Pashmina Shawls and Jammu and Kashmir Shawls Since 2012. As a community initiative, Pashmina Goat Project on the other side has been helping original Pashmina lovers to engage with the authentic Pashmina Eco-system and participate in delivering justice to the original stakeholders of Pashmina across Himalayas. #WhoMadeMyPashmina and #PashminaGoatProject are the original campaigns to create a global community of real Pashmina Lovers and sensitize the global Pashmina buyers about the authentic Pashmina eco-system and how to engage with it. Come join us in this beautiful journey of empowerment, preservation and economic liberation. Come. Discover Pashmina. #PashminaGoatProject = REAL PASHMINA . PEOPLE . PROJECTS & IMPACT This is a One Stop Place for Real Kashmir Pashmina Shawls, Real Certified Pashmina Shawls, Real Original Pashmina Shawls.
#PashminaGoatProject Real Soft Certified Pashmina Shawls
Beyond Soft, Very Soft, Silky Soft, Heavenly Soft is #PashminaGoatProject Soft. Through the lens of the generational pashmina weavers, the softer the better. These quality of scarves have a luscious, luxurious hand feel. It's an elevated and rich quality that is both durable and soft. You will always feel more comfortable while wearing the scarves of #PashminaGoat. These products soften over time with every single wear. This quality is for people who like soft, real and non-violent scarves and enjoy being comfortable. The hand feel is very soft to the touch as your hand will glide along the surface and you'll get that warm feeling inside. You'll get that instantly recognisable, buttery smooth hand feel when you glide your hand across its surface making then #PashminaGoatProject Soft Pashmina
The dedication with which #PashminaGoatProject Team works to get the best piece made for you is unbelievable ...... Ayeleen

Your scarves have made me think about the planet. I support #PashminaGoatProject ... Sophia.

Just love the softness of these scarves. These Pashmina Scarves come from a different world .... Noora

Truly Slow and sustainable. Love every bit of thing that was sent in the box. Ordering More....Caroline
#PashminaGoatProject Certified Pashmina
Pashmina Goat Project's Real Pashmina Scarves and Shawls undergo a stringent internal quality control mechanism that ensures that our customers keep coming back to us for more. The Process to give Real Pashmina, Original Pashmina to each and every customer across the world every time, depends on How is Pashmina Made and Handled from start to finish.
Why you should care for How Pure and Real Pashmina is Made ? Whenever you buy any product like Pashmina that is 100% Handmade, Follows a Complete Sustainable Process, Follows a Conscious Brand Guidelines, Is Environment Friendly, Has Almost Zero Chemicals and Uses Recycled Packaging for each and every scarf that is made, you become an active participant in making this world a better place. In-fact it is as good as "Saving the World". This is what makes Pashmina Goat Project, the Most Trusted Pashmina Brand and the Top Trusted Pashmina Seller across the World. Buy PashminaGoatProject Genuine Certified Pashmina and understand the difference.
Red Pashmina Value Box 5 Real Pashminas in 1
Red Tones Value Box ( 5 Pashminas Combo ) These Sustainable 100% Handmade Real Pashmina Creations by #PashminaGoatProject in Himalayas are aligned to the #UNSDG1 #UNSDG4 #UNSDG5 #UNSDG8 #UNSD108
Color Palette
Rose Red + Crimson Red + Marigold Orange + Jam Purple + Magenta Pink
9% Flat Discount
Limited Time Offer. Order Your Value Box of 5 Real Pashminas in 1
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Creating Lasting Impact "One Scarf at a Time".
When you buy from us, you enable us to change lives. ( #PashminaGoatProject : Real Pashmina, People, Projects & Impact )

Enable Us to Gift a Wheelchair when you order 24 Scarves (Any Size)
When you buy #PashminaGoatProject Real Pashmina Scarves, you enable us to sponsor a gift that will not only help provide the elderly people the world with the transforming gift of mobility, but the invaluable gifts of independence, dignity, and hope. ( Once Done, #PashminaGoatProject will send you the Testimony & a Certificate )

Enable Us to Get an Eye Surgery when you order 12 Scarves (Any Size)
You can make a difference by helping transform lives and bring healing. When you buy #PashminaGoatProject Real Pashmina Scarves from us, it enables us to sponsor an eye surgery which the patient himself or herself cannot afford. ( Once Done, #PashminaGoatProject will send you the Testimony & a Certificate )
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Enable Us to Gift a Schoolbag when you order 3 Scarves (Any Size)
When you buy #PashminaGoatProject Real Pashmina Scarves you participate in sponsoring a child with a school bag and a science kit that can change the future of a child. ( Once Done, #PashminaGoatProject will send you the Testimony & a Certificate )

Enable Us to Build a Water Pump when you order 100+ Scarves (Any Size)
When you buy #PashminaGoatProject Real Pashmina Scarves, you participate in giving the Gift of Clean Water to a large community and turn on the tap for a whole community in a village. Give the gift of clean water with a water pump and make an improvement for children and their families in remote villages. ( Once Done, #PashminaGoatProject will send you the Testimony & a Certificate )
Blue Pashmina Value Box 4 Real Pashminas in 1
Blue Tones Value Box ( 4 Pashminas Combo ) These Sustainable 100% Handmade Real Pashmina Creations by #PashminaGoatProject in Himalayas are aligned to the #UNSDG6 #UNSDG14 #UNSDG16 #UNSDG17
Color Palette
Sapphire Blue + Cerulean Blue + Aegean Blue + Ocean Blue
9% Flat Discount
Limited Time Offer. Order Your Value Box of 4 Real Pashminas in 1